
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Aiden's Liver Numbers are Normal!

Praise the Lord! I received a phone call yesterday from our pediatrician's office that Aiden's liver numbers are normal! We still don't really know what made them so high for so long, but it doesn't really matter now! Our doctor believes it was a result of the Hep-A taking a little longer than normal to cycle through his system.

We took a "gamble" last month by not going to see the specialist. To be quite honest we were just sick of all the doctor visits and medical bills that have been piling up. We knew that going to the specialist would cost more money and they would probably do the same tests that we have already done. Our pediatrician told us that because Aiden's numbers were on a downward cycle he felt like we could test him once more before going to the specialist. Thankfully his last test was on Wednesday of last week and no additional testing will need to be done.

Thank you to all of you who have been praying for this situation. We have seen God faithfully answer so many of our prayers in regards to our family. In my Bible reading yesterday God reminded me that no matter how crazy our life seems He has truly blessed us. There have been days that I just want to quit, but I know that God's plan for our family is going to be wonderful.

Psalm 16:5-6
"The Lord is the portion of my inheritance and my cup; You support my lot.
The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me."

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