
Friday, April 16, 2010


The excitement/anticipation for our court date is about to give me a stomach ulcer. We are less than 1 week away! Although we are trying to guard our hearts because so much can still happen, it feels like we fall more and more in love with the boys each day. Our hearts are starting to really ache to have them home with us. I keep having dreams about them coming home, and us going to pick them up. Noah is also starting to become more impatient. He had two total melt-downs at school this week because he wanted his brothers to be home.

When we found out that I was pregnant, it really threw my plans for a loop as far as the house is concerned. We have decided to switch some furniture and rooms around to make room for everyone. Last night we moved Noah's big boy bed into a different room and set up an identical bed for Abdi/Aiden in the same room. Noah is very excited. We also set up a bed for Merga/Asa in a new room so that he will have a big boy room once the baby arrives. We have lots more to do, but we finally got started. Once we pass court and the boys are legally ours we have a list of things that we want to do. I am trying to refrain from doing too much until then.

Please continue to pray for us and for our court date. We are praying that God will miraculously allow us to pass court the first time around with both boys.

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